XVII. The Star Candle


The Star’s color is a brilliant sky blue that melts into the darker azure of twilight. Featuring an essential oil blend of Lavender, Juniper Berry, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood & Pink Grapefruit.

Formulated to instill hope & invoke angelic guidance, this blend tunes you in to the love and understanding of the great mother. The Star helps you align with a higher power and devote your energy to a higher purpose, restoring optimism, faith and positivity.

Scroll down for more about the astrological election and magickal uses for this candle.

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XVII. The Star Candle

The Star Aquarius Candle is also available as a votive.

Scent Profile: crisp, green, refreshing, sweet, woodsy, herbaceous, slightly camphorous, citrusy, warm, woodsy

Ingredients: Golden 464 Soy Wax, Juniper Berry Essential Oil, Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil, Royal-Blue-Colored Dye Block, Sea-Foam-Colored Dye Block, ECO 14 Candle Wick, 8 oz Metal Tin with Lid

Uses for The Star Candle

Magickal Properties

  • Encourage Positivity, Dispel Negativity, Ward Away Evil, Protection
  • Consecration, Purification, Ritual Cleansing, Sacred Space
  • Prayer, Meditation, Divination, Finding What was Lost
  • Rites of Passage, Life Transitions, New Beginnings
  • Astral Projection, Connecting with the Spirit World
  • Invoke the Aid of Spirits & Deities, Spirit Communication, Ancestral Work
  • Working with Angels and Air Elementals
  • Encourage Love & Understanding, Foster Compassion & Empathy
  • Assist One in the Helping & Healing Professions
  • Alleviate Burn-Out & Compassion Fatigue
  • Restore Spiritual Strength & Resiliency
  • Boost Energy & Mental Clarity
  • Support Spiritual Awakening, Healing, Releasing, Empowerment
  • Restoring Hope, Calling on the Higher Self
  • Visionary Thinking, Addressing Issues that Affect Community & Groups
  • Creative Work that Aims to Inspire
  • Revealing the Objective or Higher Truth

Aromatherapeutic Uses

  • Cleansing, Refreshing, Purifying
  • Energizing, Invigorating, Rejuvenating
  • Uplifting, Mood Elevating
  • Grounding, Balancing
  • Healing, Soothing, Calming, Relaxing
  • Concentration, Focus, Mental Clarity

Herbal Properties & Actions

  • Sedative & Stimulant
  • Deodorizing
  • Detoxifying
  • Restorative

Elemental Correspondences

  • Fire
    1. Juniper Berries
    2. Venus in Sagittarius
    3. Mars in Aries
    4. Cedarwood
  • Air
    1. Lavender
    2. Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius
    3. Aquarius Rising
    4. Eucalyptus
  • Earth
    1. Sun-Mercury in Capricorn
    2. Cedarwood
  • Water
    1. Moon in Pisces
    2. Eucalyptus
    3. Pink Grapefruit

The Astrological Election (Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius)

December 21, 2020 at 9:46am Pacific (Portland, OR)

Aquarius Votive Candle

This candle corresponds to The Star card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The electional chart was chosen for a time when Jupiter was conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. Mercury was Cazimi within one degree just as the Sun entered Capricorn.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius represents a vision of hope and optimism for the future. This positive outlook is echoed by the Winter Solstice itself, a time of year that is darkest but also marks the beginning of the Sun’s re-emergence.