How to Use Jupiter in Taurus to Grow your Business
Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus can aid in the growth of finances and material resources for your business. There are opportunities here for long-term gain, material stability, financial blessings, and increased income, but you’ve gotta grab the bull by the horns to reap the benefits.
Read on to learn about the many important roles that Jupiter plays in your business. You’ll soon discover how to use this transit to grow your influence, nurture client relationships, and ensure your overall business and financial success.
Jupiter’s Role in Business
Success, Prosperity + Growth
The planet of growth, wisdom, and positivity, Jupiter’s known as the greater benefic, being one of the most auspicious planets to work with. This King of the gods can conjure up blessings of abundance and good luck, helping you hit your goals, achieve favorable outcomes, and earn recognition for your efforts. He can be called on for protection, guidance, increased prosperity, good fortune, influence, and inspiration.
Jupiter’s role in business is to present opportunities for growth, expansion, learning, and increase, opening the door to new business ventures, collaborations, or partnerships. He’s in charge of profitability, wealth, scaling up your business operations, growing your audience, and leveling up on your expertise.
Do you often get side-tracked by all the million things you want to study and learn to improve your skills? Look to Jupiter in your natal chart for clues as to your style of learning and questing for new information and skill sets.
Mentorship, Influence + Positivity
Jupiter opens the door on new possibilities in business by expanding your mind and helping you see opportunities in a new light. He hooks you up with people of influence who can help you along the way, wise souls and business gurus with just the right words of advice.
Making positive connections with benefactors, networking, and gaining support in business are all under the auspices of our main man, Jupiter.
Always reaching for greater heights, the planet of seeking and adventure can inspire you to reach new milestones and to ask for more.
Jupiter’s an enthusiastic and optimistic spirit, showing how you take on positions of leadership and inspire confidence in others. He rules mentoring relationships and motivational speaking, elevating and empowering others with his high energy. Call on him to increase your charisma and juice you up to give the talk or get on camera – with excitement instead of dread!
Mission, Vision + Ethics
Think of Jupiter as your vision and the mission statement behind your work, along with your moral, spiritual and ethical philosophy. When you believe in what you’re saying, you naturally attract attention to your work.
Taking a bird’s eye view on what’s important in your business can help with strategic thinking and long-term planning for future progress.
Another area that Jupiter’s responsible for is business travel, multicultural awareness, and international ventures. Social responsibility, generosity and philanthropy are all under his domain. Some of the work you can do when focusing on Jupiter may involve ethical policies and legal contracts.
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