March 2023 Astrology
March 2023 Astrology brings in major changes as two of the outer bodies – Pluto and Saturn – change signs. A new quality of time will emerge as Saturn leaves the comfort of being in his own domain and heads into the heavy, deep waters of Pisces.
A dynamic month ahead offers a highly intuitive/psychic Mercury Cazimi conjunct Neptune in Pisces, providing illumination, inspiration, and insight. This is followed by a shift into action-oriented cardinal energy as we head into Spring.
March also brings us a bountiful Venus in Taurus conjunct the North Node – putting an emphasis on Aphrodite in her own element – a powerful New Moon in Aries, and Mars shifting into Cancer after a long 6 months in Gemini.

Saturn in Pisces (March 7, 2023 – February 13, 2026)
Saturn enters diffusive Pisces on March 7, where he’ll be for the next 3 years.
Kronos has been in his own territory (Capricorn and Aquarius) since December 2017. His familiarity with the tools available to him helped to get the job done. Structure, discipline, rules, official boundaries guided him in Capricorn. In Aquarius he learned how to break and bend them to reimagine the future.
Saturn in Pisces lives under the watchful eye of Jupiter. In 2023, Jupiter will be in enterprising Aries, facilitating the transition with a launch into the new world. He moves quickly on to Taurus in the Spring, emphasizing a more passive and receptive time period.
As Saturn enters the briney realm of Poseidon, we experience the dissolution of structures, boundaries, and limitations. Pisces turns Saturn into something much more malleable and undefined. Systems and routines become entwined with our creativity, imagination, and emotional landscapes.
Full Moon in Virgo Decan 2: the 9 of Pentacles (March 7)

The same day that Saturn moves into Pisces, there’s a culminating Full Moon in Virgo at 16° 40′. This middle decan of Virgo is associated with the 9 of Pentacles, the Lord of Gain. Focus is placed on independence and self-sufficiency. We’re encouraged to be proud of what we’ve built for ourselves. Don’t let anything get in the way of your progress and personal freedom.
The suit of Pentacles relates to the Earth element and material world. It corresponds to our physical bodies, health, finances, property, and the work we do. It can be connected to our resources and sense of material security. In the 9 of Pentacles we’ve reached a state of fullness and material abundance. Through hard work we secured something fruitful for ourselves. Now we must protect what we’ve built and established for our well-being and sustenance.
The bird of prey in the card is the woman’s familiar. He has the important task of hunting and killing any pests that may be lurking in the woman’s garden. We must in the same way eliminate anything that could get in the way of our success.
The Full Moon in Virgo is also in a flowing Earth trine to Uranus in Taurus, promoting innovative and unexpected solutions.
Mercury Cazimi in Pisces Decan 3: the 10 of Cups (March 17)
The Superior conjunction of Mercury is the full phase of his cycle. At this time Hermes is moving at his fastest and joins with the Sun for purification. It represents a moment of heightened awareness, illumination, good luck and mental acuity.
This season’s “full” phase for Mercury occurs in the final decan of Pisces. In Tarot this is the 10 of Cups, the Lord of Satiety. This is the place where Neptune resides, so the climax of Mercury’s cycle sees him merging with a sparkling Neptune. Imagination, creativity, fantasy, mysticism and dreams can figure strongly with the insights that come in at this time.
Lean into your intuition and lead with your heart to make the most of this cazimi. This will be an amazing time for making spiritual breakthroughs with the aid of divination, magick, and art.
The Sun, Mercury, and Neptune are squaring and overcoming rambunctious Mars, still in the end of Gemini. We’re pressing forward, using the power of our deep desire to cause change, to make the long-awaited decision. After a long journey with Mars in Gemini, this Cazimi will show him how to stop waffling back and forth with conflicting ideas and follow his heart.
The third decan of Pisces is in fact ruled by Mars, and it speaks to his hunger and passion. As the fulfillment of our emotional desires, the 10 of Cups feeds us on a deep, soulful level. It goes beyond the smug satisfaction that we witness in the 9 of Cups, of getting what we want. At the peak level of the 10, we see a heart brimming with joy. It’s a feeling of emotional and familial security.

Mercury Cazimi with Mars, Neptune, and Pluto
Mars Square Neptune
Mars squares Neptune on March 14th (25° 05′). Themes of disintegration, dissolution, pollution and toxicity, indirectness, illusiveness, fatigue, confusion, or hostile and misleading information can arise. But so can a particular kind of drive toward the creative arts. Making music and other physically active or cathartic forms of self-expression are also under this influence. This can be a good way to deal with the murkier aspects of the transit.
The Sun melds with Neptune on March 15th (25° 07′). Together they increase our sensitivity, empathy, and psychic awareness. We may become more interested in occult or hidden matters. There is vulnerability in being open to outside influence. This is closely followed by a Mercury-Neptune conjunction on the 16th (25° 09′). Fascination with hidden things and spiritual topics can take a strong hold on us.
Sun-Mercury-Neptune in Pisces invites us to feel into our decisions and plans. Rationality and logic will only go so far as we’re immersed in fantasy, imagination, and wonder. Trust your intuition at this time but be wary of Neptune’s rabbit holes of deception.
Sun-Mercury Square Mars + Sextile Pluto
The Sun and Mercury square Mars on March 16th (25° 53′ and 26° 05′). Conflict, complications and power struggles can arise. Set healthy boundaries to help bolster your defense and find constructive ways to burn through pent up energy. Resist acting on impulses at this time and lay low if you can. Miscommunications and mistakes can be made as Mars does his best to agitate us.
The next day, March 17th, is Mercury Cazimi in Pisces (Superior conjunction) at 26° 34′. This is a great day for insights and exploration of inner worlds.
On the 18th Mercury and the Sun sextile Pluto (29° 55′ and 29° 57′). This deepens our insights from the cazimi and encourages us to dig even deeper for the truth.
Venus in Taurus (March 16 – April 10)
We have Venus in Taurus to look forward to this month. In her home sign of Taurus, Venus enjoys the world of sensuality, touch, embodiment, fertility, luxury and abundance. She likes to indulge in the finer things in life. Good food, pleasure, art, beauty, gifts and nature are just some of her whims.
During her time in domicile she sextiles Saturn in Pisces (1° 12′). This emphasizes the helpfulness of more passive/receptive energy on March 17th (day of Mercury Cazimi).
There’s also a conjunction to the North Node on the 20th (4° 25′) which brings Aphrodite into strong focus. We’ll see themes of women’s rights, femininity, childbirth, arts and entertainment, fashion, relationships and partnerships, agreements and contracts, etc. Aphrodite will come out on the winning end. As this happens on the Spring Equinox, this influence is carried forward into the new astrological year.
Venus conjunct Uranus on the 30th (16° 45′) can bring about change and exciting developments. This is especially true in the area of our charts where Taurus lives, in love relationships, and with finances. This transit encourages us to experiment, shake things up, and experience joy in spontaneity.
Shop for Venus in Taurus Offerings

Spring Equinox / Ostara (March 20, 2023)
The Sun enters Aries on March 20 this year, a day before the New Moon in Aries. A dying Balsamic Moon meets romantic Neptune, very close to Mercury Cazimi in Pisces.
The chart is ruled by the Sun at 00° Aries, with Leo Rising. Our stellium of planets in headstrong Aries resides in the philosophical 9th House, encouraging adventure and a quest for meaning-making. It highlights multicultural experiences, higher education, religion and spiritual philosophy, travel, and exposure to new ideas and worldviews.
Venus-North Node in Taurus is part of this Aries ingress, present there with the change-agent Uranus. This foreshadows the importance of this transit going forward into the Spring and Summer months.
New Moon in Aries Decan 1: the 2 of Wands (March 21)

The New Moon in Aries at 00° 50′ on March 21st invokes the powerful 2 of Wands, Lord of Dominion. The 2 of Wands speaks of personal autonomy, owning your power and authority, and taking an assertive stance. It sparks our passion and invites us to follow our heart’s desire in line with our life purpose.
This is an excellent New Moon for business, entrepreneurship, leadership, taking the initiative, and going for what you want.
The New Moon in Aries is in the 11th House of future vision. This allows us to set our sights far ahead and dream big. Make a plan for achieving important goals and milestones in the coming 6 months. This Moon will culminate with the Full Moon in Libra on April 5. In the longer term, it will find its fulfillment with the Full Moon in Aries at the end of September. If you can map out your vision now through October, you’ll be in a good position to slay those goals.
Ruler of the Moon, Mars enjoys a prominent position, rising at the end of Gemini during the New Moon.
Pluto in Aquarius (March 23, 2023 – March 8, 2043)

Generational Pluto enters innovative Aquarius on March 23rd. This is a major shift leading us into a whole new era of technological advancement. Pluto will be in Aquarius off-and-on until 2043. Due to Retrogrades, he’ll return to the final degrees of Capricorn a few times.
Pluto in Capricorn Dates
June 11, 2023 – January 20, 2024
September 1 – November 19, 2024
Pluto in Aquarius Dates
March 23 – June 11, 2023
January 20 – September 1, 2024
November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043
Mercury in Pisces (March 2 – 18)
For the first part of the month, we have a less focused, more dreamy thought process going on. This is the time to gather ideas and gain insight through creativity, imagination, divination, and other unconventional methods. Turn to dreams and feelings for understanding. Allow yourself to let go at this time and let the current take you where it may. The inspiration that you can take in now will help you when it’s time for decisive action later.
Mercury in Aries (March 18 – April 3)
Following the ethereal Mercury Cazimi period, we’re given the go-ahead as Mercury and the Sun go into action-oriented Aries. Toward the end of March, decisive action and taking the initiative starts to feel really good. We can finally start to move forward into completely new territory.
Mercury in Aries is quick, impulsive, ambitious, independent, and straight-to-the-point. There’s no use beating around the bush. Direct communication and pioneering ideas infuse us with renewed energy.
Mars in Cancer (March 25 – May 20)
After 6 months of Mars in Gemini, we finally see him changing signs. This has been a grueling mental process of digging up information from the past and grappling with inner conflict. Now Ares leaves the painful decision-making process behind him. He walks away from the changing philosophies of the final decan of Gemini for the sensitive realm of Cancer on March 25th.
Mars in Cancer is defensive, touchy, and driven by moods and empathic bonds. Throughout April and May our motivation may be tied more to home, family, and tradition.
March 2023 Astrology: Major Aspects