The 4 of Wands – Venus in Aries – Lord of Perfected Work candle is rising from the ashes today during the New Moon in Aries! 🌑♈♀♂♇
New Moon in Aries (22° 24′)
The New Moon in Aries is tonight, April 11, 2021 at 7:31pm PT. This Moon is conjunct Venus in the third decan of Aries, ruled by Venus and Jupiter. This decan corresponds to the 4 of Wands card in the Tarot, the Lord of Perfected Work.
The Moon is in a cooperative sextile with Mars, and Venus is completing an intense square to transformative Pluto. This intensifies the Aries energy inherent to this lunar cycle. Themes of renewed activity, strong willpower, leadership, enthusiasm, spontaneity, drive and passion are at work. This lunation offers us a burst of fresh, excited energy to go after our personal ambitions at this time.
This New Moon (22° 24′ Aries) will reach its culmination with the Full Moon in Scorpio (7° 06′) on Monday, April 26, and ultimately with the Full Moon in Aries on October 20 (27° 26′). The First Quarter Moon check-in point will be in Leo at 0° 25′ on Monday, April 19, and the Last Quarter Moon will be at 13° 35′ Aquarius on Monday, May 3rd. This lunar cycle ends with the New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday, May 11.

4 of Wands Candle Resurrection
Some of you may remember I had a candle for sale last year that was the Lord of Perfected Work, Venus in Aries, the 4 of Wands. It’s a red soy wax candle with an essential oil blend of Cinnamon, Rose, Myrrh, Geranium, Patchouli & Sandalwood. At the time I also experimented with using smaller candle tins, but the wick wasn’t strong enough for the very fiery 4 of Wands blend; this resulted in me holding onto a secret stash of Venus in Aries wax!
Although the 4 of Wands candle is sold out, some of the original wax is being reborn into a tea light candle set today. From Liber T (1888), the 4 of Wands represents “Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion.”
This rich blend is hot and sensually enticing, having equal parts Fire & Earth. The warm spice of cinnamon marries well with the dark Marsy syrup that is Myrrh.

Ritual Uses
- Passion
- Sex Magick
- Heart’s Desire
- Self-Assertion
- Independence
- Self Love
- Celebration
- Marking a Rite of Passage
- Setting Intentions for a Short-Term Victory (Acing the Test, Winning the Race, etc)
- Matters of Love and Romance
- Business
- Enterprise
- Leisure & Opulence Following a Personal Triumph
- Increasing Charm and Beauty
- Attraction
- Gain
- Transformation
- Reciprocity
- Creation
Aromatherapy Benefits
- Grounding
- Relaxing
- Deodorizing
- Sedative
- Promotes Restful Sleep
- Aphrodisiac
- Promotes Spiritual Awareness
- Alleviating Stress and Anxiety
- Combating Fatigue
- Antidepressant
- Uplifting
- Balancing
- Calming
- Mood Enhancing
- Soothing
Coming soon to the Hermes of VALIS potion shop! Sign up with the link below to be notified when the new candles are available.
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A Hermes of VALIS Personal Update
My Aglaonema failed to bloom on the Full Moon.
I honestly feel so connected to her growth cycles already (since I procured her on Imbolc). I believe that plant companions can reflect our spiritual growth in some way; I’ve noticed this with flower cycles, number of leaves or blooms, new growth, and death/decay (and, yes, menstrual cycles too).
I relate to how she was going strong into the Full Moon, then the energy had to turn inward. This is the reason or rather a reflection of why I didn’t write during the Full Moon in Libra. The Full moon occurred in my 12th house, which is a place of low energy and withdrawal. Right now I’m in a lunar profection year. This means that the Moon is my ruler through my next birthday, making lunar cycles more strongly felt.
Looking at yearly profections and the Moon’s interaction with our personal charts can yield great insights into our life path. This is one of the ways I like to look at the natal chart with a client.
There’s still a smaller stalk on my Aglaonema that’s going strong, and overall my girl’s healthy. I’m having faith in that. I’m going to hold off on watering her for a while. I’ve learned that the stalks can retain water and see them through a drought. I didn’t give her that much water, but any near the full moon when she’s blooming is probably too much. (Another thing I can relate to!)
I collected some velvety magnolia bud casings around the same time for spell work. Honoring death, change, and emergence all at once. Spending time with this helped me get over a moment of stagnation and move forward with fresh creative energy. (Hello, New Moon in my 6th!)
Where is this New Moon in Aries happening in your birth chart? What new seeds are you planting?
New Items Coming Soon to the Shop
V. The Hierophant
Venus happily enters her home sign of Taurus on Wednesday, April 14. Meanwhile the exalted Moon in Taurus is uplifted as a waxing crescent in the 11th house. The Hierophant candle series will be an earthy, spiritual and mood-elevating mixture of Cardamom, Geranium, Rose blend and Patchouli. The Rose blend is not sickly sweet but a gentle aroma; it marries Rose Geranium, Bee Balm Plant, Lemongrass, Rosa Damascena Flower Extract & Wax, and Cistus Flower Extract. There may also be some Rose Cardamom Taurus bath salts in the works soon!
I. The Magician
The Magus, Mercury, is reborn in the heart of the Sun on Sunday, April 18. The Sun is exalted in Aries. Meanwhile, Mars & Mercury are in mutual reception. Mars in Gemini and Mercury Cazimi in Aries form a supportive sextile. We have the energy and drive of warrior Mars blended with the quick, clear thinking of the messenger Mercury. This yellow Magician candle series will be ideal for writing, persuasion, and Mercurial crafts. The Magus as his work bench supports working on a creative project with your hands. The essential oil blend of Lavender, Sweet Fennel & Tangerine is truly spirited and most delicious.
XVIII. The Moon
Requested by one of my favorite clients, the Moon candle series is making its second debut. A waxing Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces captures the romantic and empathic sentiment of the Fishes.
Ritual Uses
- Psychic Development
- Intuitive Development
- Dream Work
- Banishing Nightmares
- Rewriting Bad and Recurring Dreams
- Divination
- Attracting Positivity
- Protection
- Creative Inspiration
- Spiritual Development
- Meditation
Aromatherapy Benefits
- Alleviating Stress and Anxiety
- Combating Fatigue
- Antidepressant
- Relaxing
- Deodorizing
- Uplifting
- Balancing
- Calming
- Sedative
- Grounding
- Mood Enhancing
- Soothing
- Relieve Tension
- Nervous Headaches
- Insomnia
- Stimulating
- Energizing
- Refreshing
- Increase Focus
- Increasing Courage and Confidence
- Mental Stimulation
- Clarity