Full Moon in Leo
Today is the Full Moon in magnanimous Leo, occurring at 9° 05’ of the Leo/Aquarius axis (11:16am PT). This lunation has a very interesting blend of energies attached to it. Leo energy brings levity and a positive mindset to help us handle the day’s cosmic complexity.
On its own, a Leo Full Moon is a great time to acknowledge and celebrate personal accomplishments, get creative, and give from the heart. Wherever Leo falls in your chart will be an area of growth and realization for you now. You are seeing the end-product of seeds that took root 6 months ago at the Leo New Moon on August 18, 2020 (at 26° 35’ Leo).
The Full Moon Squares off with Mars-Uranus: Rebel Energy
Headstrong Mars and rebellious Uranus are still together in Taurus, stoking the fire and demanding independence and inciting big changes (their exact conjunction was on January 20). This pair forms a tenacious square to the Sun & Moon, highlighting tensions.
There is an abundance of Fixed energy here. Leo, Aquarius, & Taurus are all considered “Fixed” signs — energy that is unyielding, slow to change, and consistently steady. We can easily lock into our positions now like a bull locking its horns onto something, wanting to have things our way, but we may also be more loyal if our needs for freedom and acknowledgement are being sufficiently met.
Jupiter is in the Heart of the Sun
This Full Moon comes at the same time as “Jupiter Cazimi” — the exact conjunction of Jupiter to the Sun, where he gains a unique kind of clarity and advantage. Jupiter is King of the Gods, representing spirituality & religion, philosophy, higher learning, ethics, culture, and opulence. Joyous Jupiter standing in good fortune puts the Leo Full Moon over the top (think Felix Felicis), encouraging our generosity and friendliness, and also our need for More.
While Jupiter soaks up the “powder of the Sun” (alchemical gold or the Ultima Materia), Saturn as the ruler of Aquarius (and hence the Host of Jupiter & the Sun) has lost strength by being Combust (Saturn is about 5° away from the Sun and he’s invisible and overpowered by the rays of the Sun).
As the Moon opposes Saturn, feelings of alienation and being “not enough” can linger under the surface. However, we have a tendency to overlook Saturn now and ignore our limits, boundaries, and the constraints of our reality. Anything seems possible.
Venus and Pluto Bring In an Underworld Element
On another note, amorous Venus is conjunct Pluto today as well, inviting passion and intensity to our relationships. The rawness of Pluto offers a funeral pyre for us to release past attachments and ritualistically state our truest desire. The root of these attachments runs deep. Unconscious forces are at work that offer a chance to process and heal baggage from relationships, in this and even in previous lives. Ultimately it’s a process of recommitting to your values.
Divine Muses Oracle: Totem of Fire & Ultima Materia
The Totem of Fire is a Salamander or Fire Spirit, representing divine Will & soul power. This is our creative spark, ambition, passion, & vision.
Ultima Materia, the “spiritual Gold” or “powder of the Sun” is achieved through the rubedo or reddening phase in an alchemical process. This is the final stage of psycho-spiritual re-integration, self-mastery, and inner realization. Ask yourself: who this new Self is that is being forged in the Fire? And what do they believe? What do they value?
The Full Moon offers a powerful opportunity for manifesting energy, bringing things to completion, and achieving some level of success. Don’t be afraid to lean into your eccentricities and own them now. The Leo Full Moon encourages us all to shine brilliantly in the warm glow of a loving Sun.
Featured Product: Venus in Leo Sultana Candle
Own your Leo energy with the vivacious Venus in Leo Sultana soy candle series, made with Lavender, Rose Geranium & Tangerine essential oils. Available as an 8-ounce travel tin or as a votive candle sold in a glass holder.