VALOUR: Mars in Leo decan 3

8 ounces of blood red soy wax infused with Bay Laurel essential oil.

The election features Mars in Leo decan 3 in a grand Fire trine, for those times when you must fight to hold onto your kingdom and your crown.

Limited batch of 13 tins available with no restocks.

More details →


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August 2023 Astrology Forecast

August 2023 Astrology

August 2023 Astrology features two Full Moons, the stationing of Mercury Retrograde, and the juicy middle part of Venus’s Retrograde story with Jupiter and Uranus!

Full Moon in Aquarius: August 1st

The first Full Moon of the month is in Saturn-ruled Aquarius on August 1st, which is also the Witch’s holiday of Lughnasadh, the first harvest. This special day signifies a time of thanksgiving and abundance as we mark the height of Summer. It’s a busy day astrologically, as it coincides with two major planetary aspects.

On this day, meticulous Mars in Virgo is in a harmonious, practical Earth trine to Jupiter in Taurus (13° 46′), helping you move forward fearlessly, embrace a competitive spirit, and take bold action to get what you want. This is a lucky transit showing success, growth, and serious conquest.

At the same time, Mercury is opposite dutiful Saturn Retrograde (5° 39′). Mercury has just entered studious, analytical Virgo where he’ll be until October 4. Mentally-focused Mercury loves being in Virgo, the sign of his exaltation, where we have an easier time attending to tedious tasks, staying organized, and improving systems with efficiency and discernment.

But this year Mercury is Retrograde in Earth signs, and he’ll be entering the pre-retrograde shadow phase on August 3 at exactly 8 degrees Virgo. His retrograde stretches from August 23 to September 15, and the shadow continues through September 29.

Mercury opposite Saturn Retrograde can put a slight damper on your enthusiasm, reminding you it’s time to get serious, pulling your thoughts to more somber realities, or confronting you with nibbling self doubt. It can slow you down enough to really think before you take action, which could be to your benefit. Rely on the intelligence of Mercury-Saturn to make smart choices and remember to take your time.

Interestingly, with the Full Moon in Aquarius decan 1 (9° 16′), there’s also a theme of winning but it not really feeling like a win. You could be overcoming something and winning a battle, but that’s not quite the same vibe as, say, winning the lottery. But there’s reason to celebrate all the same. This Full Moon is the culmination of the New Moon in Aquarius that we had on January 21st, also in this first decan of the sign.

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Venus Retrograde in Leo (Summer 2023)

Venus Retrograde in Leo

Venus experiences a Retrograde season about once every 19 months. In 2023, Venus is Retrograde in Leo, offering you a chance to examine your relationship to yourself, your brand, your creativity, and your outward self expression.

From July 22 until September 3, the planet of relationships, beauty, and art will be in deep introspection mode, contemplating the ways she needs to step into the limelight and be seen. Venus in Leo is courageous, playful, and wants to be appreciated for who she essentially is.

Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 Timeline

  • June 5 – Venus enters Leo
  • June 11 – 1st square to Jupiter
  • June 19 – Start of the pre-retrograde shadow phase
  • July 2 – 1st square to Uranus
  • July 22 – Venus Stations Retrograde at 28° 36′ Leo
  • July 27 – Conjunction with Mercury
  • August 9 – 2nd square to Uranus
  • August 13 – Venus Cazimi
  • August 22 – 2nd square to Jupiter
  • September 3 – Venus Stations Direct at 12° 12′ Leo
  • September 16 – 3rd square to Jupiter
  • September 29 – 3rd square to Uranus
  • October 2 – Venus trines the North Node of future growth
  • October 7 – End of the post-retrograde shadow phase

Important Aspects that Venus Retrograde in Leo Makes

Mercury Conjunct Venus Retrograde in Leo

On July 27, Mercury meets up with Venus on his way out of Leo (at 28° 12′). Mercury invites you to think, process, and communicate around the expressive, self-conscious Venus Retrograde in Leo themes. This is an ideal time to write it out in your journal, brainstorm, get it on paper and out of your head.

Socializing and exploring creative relationships can be an excellent use of this energy. You might also want to dig into some hands on, expressive arts to work through this energy and find where your head’s at.

With past-facing Pluto in Capricorn squaring the lunar nodes this week, there can be a tie-in with looking to the distant past, your roots and inheritance, and contemplating what your own legacy may be. What are you creating or hoping to create that you’ll pass on as a testament to your own creative drive and soul purpose?

What’s on your mind about Venus Retrograde and your own creative process? How do you plan on stepping into the Light? Think first steps. You have time!

Venus Squares Jupiter + Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Leo makes a series of 3 squares each to both Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. These are significant, especially since Jupiter and Uranus are in the Fixed sign that Venus rules. Each series of energizing square aspects has a hit before, during, and after the Retrograde. You can consider this a 3-part story and use the dates to determine your own plot development throughout the Venus Retrograde journey.

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Full Moon in Capricorn: The 3 of Pentacles – “Works” (July 2023 Astrology)

3 of Pentacles

How to Use The 3 of Pentacles Series for Full Moon in Capricorn Magick

The 3 of Pentacles is the Lord of Material Works. This is the middle decan of Capricorn, where we have our Full Moon on July 3, 2023.

The Full Moon in Capricorn comes on the heels of an illuminating Mercury Cazimi. This is a lucky time for Mercury when he reaches his Full phase and unites with the Sun.

During the Full phase of the Moon – exact at 4:39am PDT on Monday morning (the 3rd) – Mercury is ahead of the Sun already by 3 degrees. Despite the fact that Mercury Cazimi’s over, the energy of that Cazimi is baked right into the Full Moon. The Full Moon is built on its enlightening and energizing momentum.

The Cazimi energy heightens awareness, leading to insights and revelations about intimacy and our relationships. We’re called to think deeply about what bonds are really the most important to us. To focus our energy on protecting and nurturing those connections. The Full Moon also heightens our awareness of how we can work together to build something of lasting value.

The Energy Leading into the Full Moon

A Blessing from Jupiter and a Motivating Fire Trine

The Mercury Cazimi at 9° 8′ Cancer on June 30th is especially fortunate. It’s in a helpful sextile relationship with good-hearted Jupiter, potentially opening us up to some lucky opportunities. The Sun and Mercury are harmonizing with disciplined Saturn, too. This provides ease with setting boundaries and developing an intuitive container or system that’s going to work for you.

The current communications cycle began on May 1st. At that time, Mercury was retrograde in Taurus, associated with the steady, rhythmic flow of the universe. Our mental focus has been on reciprocity, ensuring that there’s an equal give and take in relationships and at work.

Now at his full phase, Mercury meets with the royal Sun in the first decan of Cancer. This part of the Zodiac’s associated with the Love card in the Tarot. The 2 of Cups represents the deep bond of trust and intimacy. It can be a romance, a mom and her baby, or any two souls meeting each other in divinity.

This is followed by a nice Fire trine with the building Moon in active Sagittarius. She applies to Venus-Mars in heroic Leo, and Chiron in independent Aries. It’s a lot of upward energy with forward momentum. It can feel energizing and motivating as it stirs up all this energy and action.

A Preview of What’s to Come: Venus in Leo Square Uranus

Venus in Leo squares Uranus on July 2nd. This invites Full Moon drama to creep in that may be associated with your Venus Retrograde journey to come. Venus Retrograde is right around the corner. The goddess of love, beauty and pleasure in her pre-retrograde shadow phase from June 19 until she stations on July 22.

This means that this Full Moon drama with Venus and Uranus is part of a 3-act show. Pay special attention to any big revelations, strange occurrences, or surprises now. Look to your relationships, business dealings, or thinking about money, art, and things of value. This rambunctious transit will happen again on August 9, and one final time after the Retrograde on September 29.

Continue reading Full Moon in Capricorn: The 3 of Pentacles – “Works” (July 2023 Astrology)

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  • mars in capricorn votive

    Mars in Capricorn Votive: 3 of Pentacles ($13.00)
    reviewed by Rew

    This candle smells amazing, and it came with a lovely note, thank you!

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